Two the Point — Economic Indicators: What We’re Watching

In the ever-shifting landscape of the U.S. economy, a compass is essential in navigating the complexities that steer investment decisions. This week, we embark on a journey through the intricacies that can influence our investment strategies.

At the forefront of our exploration are the following focal points:

1. Moderating Inflation: As inflation gradually converges with the Federal Reserve’s target, we peer into the horizon to discern the future trajectory of the U.S. economy.

2. Labor Market Data: Through a meticulous analysis of jobless claims, job openings, and hours worked, we ascertain the well-being of the labor market.

3. Consumer Health Metrics: Consumer sentiment and retail sales take center stage, offering a panoramic view of consumer spending’s vitality, a key pillar of economic robustness.

4. Soft Data Business Indicators: The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Small Business Optimism Index and Institute for Supply Management (ISM) survey offer valuable perspectives on the business outlook across manufacturing and services domains.

5. Decoding Soft and Hard Data: Deciphering the soft data (driven by sentiment), and the hard data (grounded in quantitative realities) provides a nuanced comprehension of their sway on our investment decisions.

Navigating Earnings Outlook and Beyond

As we peer into the earnings outlook, our focus remains resolute. We remain vigilant in assessing the crosscurrents that interlace the data landscape. A resilient consumer introduces the third quarter, underpinning the growth of the U.S. economy through their steadfast spending. However, an unwavering watch over jobless claims becomes imperative, as any surge in layoffs portends potential repercussions for consumers and the broader economy. This vigilance allows us to optimally align our clients’ portfolios with their distinct financial goals, ensuring a resilient and dynamic investment approach that can withstand the test of market fluctuations.



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