News and Insights

  • WEBINAR: The Mid-Year Market Outlook: Examining Economic Growth and Future Risks with Cautious Optimism  

    WEBINAR: The Mid-Year Market Outlook: Examining Economic Growth and Future Risks with Cautious Optimism  

    Watch our replay as we look at the economic and stock market expectations for the

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  • Two the Point — Market Marvels: The Magnificent Rotation

    Two the Point — Market Marvels: The Magnificent Rotation

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we explore recent market shifts and Q2 earnings season highlights.

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  • Two the Point — Falling Inflation, Growing Opportunities

    Two the Point — Falling Inflation, Growing Opportunities

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss falling inflation and growing opportunities.

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  • Two the Point — The Federal Reserve Looks to Balance Inflation and Growth

    Two the Point — The Federal Reserve Looks to Balance Inflation and Growth

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss the federal reserve looking to balance inflation and growth.

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  • Two the Point — Polling Ahead: Market Insights in an Election Year

    Two the Point — Polling Ahead: Market Insights in an Election Year

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss market insights in an election year.

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  • Two the Point — Monetary Policy Risks and Market Outlook

    Two the Point — Monetary Policy Risks and Market Outlook

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss monetary policy risks and the market outlook.

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  • Two the Point — The 2024 Mid-Year Market Outlook: What Lies Ahead

    Two the Point — The 2024 Mid-Year Market Outlook: What Lies Ahead

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we review the 2024 Mid-Year Market Outlook.

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  • WEBINAR: Securing Your Legacy: The Importance of Establishing and Updating an Estate Plan  

    WEBINAR: Securing Your Legacy: The Importance of Establishing and Updating an Estate Plan  

    Watch our replay on why having an estate plan is vitally important.  Watch to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes by providing your loved ones with invaluable peace of mind.  In this webinar, we outline the benefits of establishing and regularly updating a plan to secure your legacy.

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  • Two the Point — U.S. Economy: No Stag, No Flation

    Two the Point — U.S. Economy: No Stag, No Flation

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we delve into the latest economic data, emphasizing the absence of stagflation and the implications for the investment landscape.

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  • Two the Point — Uncovering Strength in a Shifting Market

    Two the Point — Uncovering Strength in a Shifting Market

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss positive employment signals and global manufacturing expansion.

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  • Two the Point — Earnings Season Wrap-Up & Outlook

    Two the Point — Earnings Season Wrap-Up & Outlook

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we examine earnings season wrap-up and outlook.

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  • WEBINAR: Navigating Risk: Leveraging Controllable Factors for Positive Returns  

    WEBINAR: Navigating Risk: Leveraging Controllable Factors for Positive Returns  

    Watch our replay on effectively prioritizing factors within your control that can be the unsung hero of portfolio performance. In our webinar, we discuss risk management – the things you should pay close attention to, and the things you should ignore – to help keep your portfolio secure. 

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  • Two the Point — Insights into Resilience, Volatility, and Liquidity

    Two the Point — Insights into Resilience, Volatility, and Liquidity

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we examine the resilience of the U.S. economy and explore the implications of subdued market volatility.

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  • Two the Point — Decoding the Dynamics: U.S. Labor Market Analysis

    Two the Point — Decoding the Dynamics: U.S. Labor Market Analysis

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we examine the resilience displayed by the U.S. labor market.

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  • Two the Point — Unpacking Q1 Economic Trends and Market Dynamics

    Two the Point — Unpacking Q1 Economic Trends and Market Dynamics

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we explore our analysis of Q1 economic performance.

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  • Two the Point — Unveiling Opportunities Beyond the Magnificent Seven

    Two the Point — Unveiling Opportunities Beyond the Magnificent Seven

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we revisit Q1 2024’s earnings outlook, highlighting the sustained momentum of major tech players.

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  • WEBINAR: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Preparing for Every Scenario 

    WEBINAR: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Preparing for Every Scenario 

    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) sunset is planned for December 31, 2025. While it may seem far off, it’s wise for individuals and businesses to prepare now for potential implications. Join our expert team as we review the complexities of the TCJA provision and discuss ways to stay resilient in the face of…

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  • Two the Point — Juggling Growth – Economy Expands Amid Unyielding Inflation

    Two the Point — Juggling Growth – Economy Expands Amid Unyielding Inflation

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss resilient consumer spending and unexpected inflation dynamics.

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  • Two the Point — The U.S. Economy’s Strong Performance and Market Potential

    Two the Point — The U.S. Economy’s Strong Performance and Market Potential

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we review the robust performance of the U.S. economy with a look at the labor markets.

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  • WEBINAR: Retirement Planning – Change Your Thinking to Better Prepare 

    WEBINAR: Retirement Planning – Change Your Thinking to Better Prepare 

    Having a sound financial plan for retirement is paramount, but additional preparation for this important milestone in your life is also wise.  Emotional, social, and income source considerations are just as crucial as your financial plans.

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  • Two the Point — Global Trends and Opportunities

    Two the Point — Global Trends and Opportunities

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we explore the robust dynamics of global growth in 2024, highlighting key economic indicators and opportunities for investors.

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  • Two the Point — Deciphering Inflation for Investment Opportunities

    Two the Point — Deciphering Inflation for Investment Opportunities

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we delve into the nuanced terrain of the latest economic data, offering a perspective on inflation trends and their implications for the investment landscape.

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  • Tax Preparation vs. Tax Planning – Understanding the Difference is Crucial

    Tax Preparation vs. Tax Planning – Understanding the Difference is Crucial

    It’s tax preparation season. While gathering documents, statements, and receipts is important, the real value is in having a plan. Learn from our experts on how to minimize the taxes you are paying now and plan for years ahead.

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  • Two the Point — Analyzing Recent Market Trends and Signals for a Strong Economy

    Two the Point — Analyzing Recent Market Trends and Signals for a Strong Economy

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we highlight the close relationship between the stock and bond markets and their influence on our economic outlook.

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  • Two the Point — Unique Investing Opportunities Revealed

    Two the Point — Unique Investing Opportunities Revealed

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss the contrasting narratives of the leading economic indicators and coincident economic indicators.

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  • Two the Point — The January Consumer Price Index Report

    Two the Point — The January Consumer Price Index Report

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss the January Consumer Price Index report, highlighting its subtle complexities and the implications for future Federal Reserve actions.

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  • Two the Point — A Silver Lining

    Two the Point — A Silver Lining

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we delve into 2023 Q4 earnings and highlight the robust nature of the current market landscape.

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  • Two the Point — Resilient Growth and Emerging Opportunities

    Two the Point — Resilient Growth and Emerging Opportunities

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we explore the latest economic trends and investment opportunities.

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  • Two the Point — Breaking New Ground: The S&P 500 Hits New Highs

    Two the Point — Breaking New Ground: The S&P 500 Hits New Highs

    In our weekly video series, we highlight one observation we think is most important regarding the economy and the financial markets. This week we discuss the S&P 500.

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  • Winter 2024 Newsletter – Your Connection to Financial Planning and Advice

    Winter 2024 Newsletter – Your Connection to Financial Planning and Advice

    In this edition, we highlight our 2024 Economic and Market Outlook, share five steps for a smooth transition of financial responsibilities, review changes to 2024 Taxes that may help 2023 tax planning, and what the New Social Security Cost of Living Rate and the Medicare Part B Premiums Increase Mean to You, and more. 

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